大江网/大江新闻客户端讯 秋分至,江西绘彩卷。橙林金辉映日暖,晒鱼满网映晴光。红椒铺地书丰字,绿浪田园泛稻香。碧水遥山栖飞鸟,多彩秋色醉人间。一幅幅自然织就的画卷,邀您共赏江西秋分之美。As the Autumnal Equinox arrives, Jiangxi paints a colorful scroll. The orange groves glow with golden sunlight, and the nets full of fish shimmer in the clear sunlight. Red pepper spread on the ground to write the word harvest, the green spray in the garden with rice fragrance. The mountains and rivers are home to soaring birds, and showing a colorful autumn. These natural masterpieces invite you to experience the beauty of the Autumnal Equinox in Jiangxi.