大江网/大江新闻客户端讯 有一座城,以瓷为魂,穿越千年烟云,依旧璀璨夺目——这便是“千年瓷都”景德镇。青花之雅,粉彩之艳,玲珑之巧,颜色釉变.....成就了一件件精美绝伦的艺术品。看到好看的瓷器只会“哇”?不妨跟着诗词长见识!
Jingdezhen, the "Millennium Porcelain Capital," is a city with porcelain as its soul, shining brightly even after thousands of years. The different ceramics have become exquisite and unparalleled works of art. As you are amazed by these beautiful porcelain pieces, you can use the descriptions from the ancient poems.